This is a fundraising page supporting our dear friend, George Evans. After 11 days of fundraising, we have successfully raised $19 000 Keep George Here! Thanks everybody for their support and generosity!

Some Frequently Asked Questions

1. If we reach our goal of $19,000 will George be able to fund the rest of his legal education at Queen's?

A. This question has (rightfully) come up a lot. Though we are not able to answer in the definitive (as no one knows the future), we are confident that George will be able to work to secure funding for the rest of his time at Queen's. He has a couple of different options that are of a more personal nature than we are willing to speak to on this website, but I think the fact of the matter is that once George is back in school he is eligible to apply for scholarships both in Canada and back home again, he is pursuing any avenue of procuring loans both in Canada and back home that are available to him, as well as hoping that the situation with his mother's employer is resolved so she is able to help him (which was his original plan in budgeting for law school). We understand completely why people ask this question, and also that it might be a little bit tough to not have any set in stone answers. However, I would remind you that life is not set in stone and anything could happen to any one of us at any moment that would affect our ability to pay for law school, and I can assure you all that I personally am confident, using the information I have, that George is doing-- and will continue to do-- absolutely everything in his power to ensure he can finish his degree in good standing.

2. If we fail to reach our goal of $19,000, what will happen to the money that is donated via the party tonight at Monkey Bar?

A. First off, we aren't going to fail. Though I said in the above question that no one knows the future, I will contradict myself and let you know that victory, in this case, is certain. In the event that I am wrong, we have a couple options. In that case, we can ask everyone via (confidential) e-mail who went to the party and would like their $20 refunded to send us a message and we will reimburse you in cash right away. Another option is that for those of you who don't wish to be refunded, we can donate the money to a charity that supports the education of international students. Please know that Katherine and I have been taking extremely seriously the need to be professional, responsible, and confidential in every matter regarding every cent that is donated-- we know who it comes from, where it is, and how to get it from one place to another at any time. We also have, and will continue to, respect everyone's privacy and comfort in this matter to the utmost degree.

If you have any more questions about these issues or anything else at all, please don't hesitate to contact either one of us.

LOVE, k & d.

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