To everyone that cared:
Thank you to everyone that has donated to the “Keep George Here” fundraiser. I feel as though I can never adequately express my gratitude, but I will try.
Dana and Katherine: what a display of humanitarianism. Look at what you’ve done! You embody kindness and a determination to help others – I hope I can emulate this in my lifetime.
Queen’s Law, you inspire me. The support I have received from my classmates, the graduating class, and first years alike, is very humbling. I have so many caring friends - I love you all. I knew, coming into Queen’s law, that I would be surrounded by many special individuals. This fundraiser is a testament to that, and more so to how special our community is.
I have also received immense support from friends outside of law school, lasting bonds that I have made in Canada. Thank you! To the people that have donated that I have never met and may never get the chance to meet, thank you equally!
I had started to lose a bit of hope before this all happened, but not anymore. I will make my future happen. I will figure out a way to complete my law degree at Queen’s, and without your help, this may not have been possible. I hope that I can someday help to restore this hope in others, as you have all done for me.
George Evans
Thank You Message from George Evans
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Congratulations. I was proud to donate.
Be happy, do well and always be hopeful, loving and optimistic.
Change the world...
J. Bergeron